NATIONAL SPORTS DAY to pay tribute to the Sports legend Major DHYAN CHAND on his Birth Anniversary.
Dear *Sportsmen / Sportswomen / Sports Academies* Healthy Greetings to all !!! All are aware that every year 29th August 2021 is been celebrated as the *NATIONAL SPORTS DAY* to pay tribute to the Sports legend *Major DHYAN CHAND* on his Birth Anniversary. As a Mark of Respect to Sports Persons and Tribute to the Sports Legend, *Universal Achievers Book of Records, Future Kalam’s Book of Records, Indian Youth Sports Association, and Tamil Nadu Silambam Martial Arts Association* is initiating a MASS WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT titled *SALUTE OUR SPORTSPERSON* to PAY TRIBUTE TO THE SPORTS LEGEND MAJOR DHYAN CHAND and SALUTE OUR SPORTS PERSON OF VARIOUS SPORTS who brought laurels to the country and made India proud through their passion and hard work. This Mass World Record Attempt is initiated to highlight and spread awareness about the importance of Sports and staying fit in daily life and nurturing the young Sports Talents across the country. We invite all the Sports Academies and Individual Sports Persons to *join our Google meet* to understand the importance of participating in this Mass Record Attempt and get all your doubts cleared…To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link: https://meet.google.com/cjx-yrri-vug Or open Meet and enter this code: cx-your-vug *Google Meet Date:* 10th August 2021 to 20th August 2021 (Daily). *Google meet Time:* 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Let’s all the Sports Person unite together to celebrate our National Sports Day and pay World Record Tribute to Major DHYAN CHAND and Honour all the Sports Person’s spread across the country. ALL ARE INVITED
Thanks & Regards,Dr. BABU BALAKRISHNAN, Multiple World Record Achiever,Founder Chairman – Universal Achievers Book of Records & Future Kalam’s Book of Records.Mobile: +91 95000 83738 / +91 95000 72426 / +91 8939340111.Email: achieverdrbabu@gmail.comWebsite:www.universalachieversbookofrecords.com, www.futurekalamsbookofrecords.com.