Future Kalams Book of Records Appreciate and Honor Miss. A.J ANGELINE SHERIL for her 3 Extraordinary World Record Performances;

1. Future Kalams Book of Records Certify and Honor Miss. A.J ANGELINE SHERIL, a Specially Challenged Girl, Born on 22nd February, 2001, of Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India for Creating a World Record of Performing 20 Traditional Dances of Tamil Nadu in 60 Minutes on 25th November, 2018 at Abirami Mega Mall, Purusaivakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
2. Future Kalams Book of Records Certify and Honor Miss. A.J ANGELINE SHERIL, a Specially Challenged Girl, Born on 22nd February, 2001, of Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India for Creating a World Record of Performing KARAGAM DANCE using 23 Properties in 13 Minutes on 25th November, 2018 at Abirami Mega Mall, Purusaivakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
3. Future Kalams Book of Records Certify and Honor Miss. A.J ANGELINE SHERIL, a Specially Challenged Girl, Born on 22nd February, 2001, of Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India for Creating a World Record of Performing MARAKKAL DANCE using 10 Properties in 5.32 Minutes on 25th November, 2018 at Abirami Mega Mall, Purusaivakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

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